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Roster Elf

  • Suite 5, Level 1, 12-20 Railway Road
  • Subiaco, WA, 6008
  • Phone: 0439 030 251
  • Web: rosterelf.com


Roster Elf truly does make me wonder how rostering was ever done before cloud computing. Cloud sharing was a stunning revolution and Roster Elf has optimised it in a immensely clever manner. Taking your staff scheduling system and porting it to the cloud has simplified and streamlined rostering. Enabling employee and employer ease of access with simplicity like never before.

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Roster Elf

  • Suite 5, Level 1, 12-20 Railway Road
  • Subiaco, WA, 6008
  • Phone: 0439 030 251
  • Web: rosterelf.com


A cloud-based employee scheduling tool combining simplicity and convenience in one staff rostering tool. Roster Elf is a staff management system which allows both owners/ managers and staff make changes, update rosters and send notifications on the go and from any part of the world.

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