TermiKill – Termite & White Ants Treatment
TermiKill: DIY termite and white ants treatment. Australia’s first DIY structure utilized by 1000’s Aussie contract holders. Termite traps. Govt kept up termite get. Demonstrated and tried.
Our ‘mission,’ and we accept it, is to provide homeowners with products and advice to eliminate termites. We want you to be able to do a proper job, confidently and safely.
We have good practical and illustrated advice, which, along with our Termite Identification Service means you have real people to talk to or to email for help.
We keep getting better at what we do because it’s all we do. And we’ve been doing it since 2001.
Thousands of Aussie homeowners have been helped and now we’d like to take the termite anxiety out of your life.
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